FREE Pattern
Go check it out...
Contest and New Scents!
New scents:Reindeer Poo, Santa's Whiskers, Country Bumpkin,Candy Cane
New Business of the Month
November Specials
Come check it all out!http://www.primitivekountry.com/
Tell me what you think of it, is it easy to read?
100th Post giveaway!

Winner will be posted on November 8th.Please leave a comment on this post to sign up.
You wil receive "chilly" the snowman, carrot cake and mini cinnabun melts(made by Tara), a salt box painted tea kettle, classical christmas cd, ragg bagg babies christmas pattern, and an old farm stitchery. Plus, I will throw in some extra goodies before then. :)Get your name thrown in the hat twice if you post about it on your blog (let me know if you do).

Thank You!
The rules are:
1. Link to your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blog.
4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
Here are the 7 facts about myself!
1. I live in a very small community, where everyone knows everyone!
2. I have been married for 5 yrs now and have a 15 yr old son.
3. I have many many animals, they are my passion besides crafting and candle making.
4. I am to outspoken and have been told I am to friendly.
5. I like to entertain guests and friends.
6. I have 3 miniature dachshunds.
7. I love primitives!
Here is a list of blogs I tagged!
1. Olde Country Creations
2. Sugar Plum Patch
3. My Colonial Home
4. KKL Primitives
5. A Primitive Journey
6. Life in the Craft Lane with Mandie
7. Thru the Attic Door
Congrats to all of you!
Birthday Giveway at The Pickled Pepperpatch

I am going to be giving away one of Primitive Wooden Toaster Covers! This was one of my biggest sellers last year! This is a wonderful way to disquise that unsightly toaster that sits on your kitchen countertop. It is 3 sided and the back is completely open you all you need to do is slide it right overtop your toaster.
All you need to do is leave me a comment here, and if you don't have a blog, please leave me your email addy so I can get in touch with you if your name is chosen. The winners name will be drawn by the birthday girl on November 1st! If you post this to your blog, I will enter your name again....so, that is two chances for you to win! (Sorry, this is open only to U.S. residents only due to high shipping cost or if you are out of the country and wanta pay shipping...you can enter too!) Good Luck!
Award from Karen at My Colonial Home Blog
Thank you so much.
I am new at all this blog stuff and am still learning.
But Karen was kind enough to give me an award.
Please stop by her site and tell her Thank You!
Wanna Win a Website Award!
Come on by and check it out and read all about it...
Calling all Crafters!
Tell them Keri - Primitivekountry sent ya